Monday, May 31, 2010

weight options

In todays society knowing that obesity is one of the leading causes of death in society, we have many different options to control it but it is up to us to push ourselves and experience things that will make us and our families healthy.

Theres thousands of gym programs out here that can fit into our schedules and fit our body workouts on how to do so.
we have work out companies like jenny craig, lucille roberts, bally total fitness, curves and nutrisystem. and if you ask me about diet pills i say we should get ride of all of them because that is the lazy way of people to not work out and not want to get up and cook healthy things, it only makes these consumers richer and makes "us fatter"

i personally dont blame the fast food joints or the lack of school physical education i blame ourselves because if we take all this time into eating all these dangerous foods we can also put in time to make sure we have a healthy balanced life style escially for todays children because the unhealthy food chain will only rise even more as the years go by and it is up to us, those who are parents to let our children have a better understanding of what is good and what is bad.

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