Sunday, June 13, 2010

michelle obama and obesity

michelle obama started a compaign for ending the problem within a generation calls for more infant breastfeeding, building more sidewalks, curbing time with digital media and getting deep fryers out of schools.Just as breastfeeding can reduce a child's chances of obesity later, reducing sugar in children's diets can also make a difference, the report notes. "Children today consume a substantial amount of added sugars through a whole range of products. . . . Targets for reducing added sugar will then need to be established that track the overall goal of driving obesity rates down to 5% by 2030."

i agree with michelle obama because this is now that we have to stop our children and parents from doing harm to their loved ones and protecting children in this generation today is very important because we have the ability to destroy society.

Monday, May 31, 2010

weight options

In todays society knowing that obesity is one of the leading causes of death in society, we have many different options to control it but it is up to us to push ourselves and experience things that will make us and our families healthy.

Theres thousands of gym programs out here that can fit into our schedules and fit our body workouts on how to do so.
we have work out companies like jenny craig, lucille roberts, bally total fitness, curves and nutrisystem. and if you ask me about diet pills i say we should get ride of all of them because that is the lazy way of people to not work out and not want to get up and cook healthy things, it only makes these consumers richer and makes "us fatter"

i personally dont blame the fast food joints or the lack of school physical education i blame ourselves because if we take all this time into eating all these dangerous foods we can also put in time to make sure we have a healthy balanced life style escially for todays children because the unhealthy food chain will only rise even more as the years go by and it is up to us, those who are parents to let our children have a better understanding of what is good and what is bad.

consume the word healthy!

The answer to consuming the word healthy is to eat healthy, but for some folks it maybe a little harder than others to do so but if you put enough effort in this category you will do fine. ask for me ive practiced these a couple of times and i have to say that they work wonderful for me, when im on a diet

Eating small snacks 6 to 7 times per day is a lot more effective than eating 2 large meals. When people go on diets they tend to skip meals and eat infrequently. This is unsafe and your body can react to these tactics in ways that will encourage binging and overeating. Eating small frequent meals will prevent you from occasionally overeating and will not shock your body into starvation mode.

Also make sure to eat SLOWLY. You only begin feeling full when the food you ingest reaches your stomach. However, this food will take a little time to get down there. Therefore, by eating slowly you allow the food you eat time to reach your digestive tract which will prevent you from overeating.

following these routines will decrease your weight, and keep you in a healthy mind body and soul state.

Eat Plenty of Fiber,Eat Low Fat, Low Calorie Foods,Eat Breakfast Daily,Drink Plenty of Water and eating your favorite kinds of foods isnt bad even when its greasy but think portion wise and you'll learn quickly on how to maintain your weight.

who is the fatest state?

well we all know that there are rankings to this and not surprisingly to me Mississippi is number one on the charts. it amuses me to this point that americans let themselves get to a state where it is unhealthy but normal in this society. where people like that cant control what they put in their bodies, which is killing them most of the time. Mississippi is the fattest state in the nation, with 32.6 % of that state's population coming in overweight or obese. CalorieLab determines the fattest state rankings using the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System database maintained by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The rankings use a three-year average in order to correct for statistical irregularities.

Rounding out the top five fattest states are West Virginia, Alabama, Louisiana and South Caroline. They've found that overall the fattest states tend to be in the South and Rust Belt, while Northeastern and Western states are a bit slimmer. The only area to lose weight in the last year is Washington, D.C. Colorado remains the nation's fittest state.

1. Mississippi (32% of adults are obese)
2. Alabama (30.3%)
3. Tennessee (30.1%)
4. Louisiana (29.8%)
5. West Virginia (29.5%)
6. Arkansas (28.7%)
7. South Carolina (28.4%)
8. Georgia (28.2%)
9. Oklahoma (28.1%)
10. Texas (28.1%)


Exercizing is the best way to stay in shape and to be healthy, study shows that exercising 30 minutes a day can decrease your weight and help you stay in shape,
In today’s day and age it is very easy for us to over indulge in the great pleasures of life. For many of us this means food, and lots of it. Food is more accessible today than ever before in history, together with the stresses of daily life, it is easy to see how we tend to overeat, which can lead to weight management concerns and health issues. However, there are some very simple fundamental steps that one can take to gain back control of one’s weight and health.
Exercise is no doubt one of the most critical components to effective weight management. It is something that we cannot take for granted. Yet, so many of us look for that quick fix which comes in a bottle or pill. Exercise does not need to painful. Consistency is the key and moderation is the rule.
Is exercizing the best way to stay healthy and keep a weight balance?


studies show that in order for you to avoid fast foods more is to eat a healthy breakfast in the morning that way your cravings are less, prepare ahead, packing a lunch on the way to work or to school or even on a trip, it tends to help reduce cravings of wanting to eat fast foods. clearing out all the junk foods at home,Lay a healthful foundation by stocking up on ingredients for nutritious meals, desserts and snacks. If you eat healthy food at home, you won't feel so bad when you splurge on an infrequent fast-food meal or candy bar. when you do go to a fast food restaurant stick to the diet menu, it consists of less calories and healthier than the big macs you take in, like the salads, baked or broiled, salads come with fresh fruit and sometimes grilled chicken which is very good in choice.Running to the supermarket to get vegetables and fruits help alot having a snack on the side like an apple or fruit bowl can help with fast food cravings on a day to day basis.

Home cook meals vs fast foods

Do you think home cooked meals are more suittable for a better health diet than fast food restaurants? I think Home cooked meals are better because you know what your eating because you are the one preparing it if you take time out of your day to create a meal that you and your family can benefit from it can help alot because you have portion control you have calorie control and you have nutrition control, other than fast food you have calorie control but nutrition control you have little limits on because who knows what else they are putting in those foods that are harmful to our bodies, and our health.

Alot of people seem to lack this fact that when you cook home cooked meals you are exersizing the point on healthy eating,just by walking to the supermarket, or walking and exersizing in the kitchen just by lifting,pouring or preparing a healthy family meal.